Thrivent Choice Dollars

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a fraternal organization that must donate its profits each year.

“Giving back makes an important impact in people’s lives. Last year alone (2017), Thrivent Financial provided more than $100 million to help congregations, communities and individuals in need. Members who own Thrivent Financial products help make this support possible. Thrivent Choice lets you recommend where some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars SM and by participating in Voting Events.” (From the Thrivent Website)

You can donate to Lutheran Campus Ministry with these 6 easy steps:

1. Visit the Thrivent Choice Page

2. Click on “log in” at the top right of your screen and enter your MyThrivent user ID and password. (If you haven’t registered on, click on “register now” to register for full access.)

3. Look for your designated Choice Dollars amount on the right side of the screen.

4. Click on “Direct Choice Dollars” in the Thrivent Choice box on your MyThrivent page.

5. Then select: Lutheran Campus Ministry St. Thomas Lutheran Chapel

6. Click on “Direct Choice Dollars Now” to direct your designated Choice Dollars to benefit that organization.

Visit your Thrivent Financial website regularly to give ongoing support for students at Lutheran Campus Ministry in Fort Collins.